Friday, May 22, 2020

We're going to grow 🌽

At some point we decided that we wanted to grow corn. We also researched about sister plants when we were in Chicago (before COVID hit). That means we are going to grow corn, beans, and squash!

First we had to carve out a place for the corn to grow. There was an overgrown area covered in vines, which we raked, removed sticks from, and weed whacked out.

Second up we had to use a rototiller. Here's an action shot:

Eventually the entire area is going to be leveled and corn seeds will be planted along with beans and squash. All three of these plants will grow together and aid each other in various ways. Some will provide nitrogen, some will provide insect repellent, and all will provide nutrition to our family! We will keep you posted. :-)

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